PAs Given Access to Hospice Care Await Final Rule

For nearly a decade, America’s physician assistants (PAs) have been lobbying Congress to give them access to hospice care for Medicare patients. Their diligence has finally paid off. Legislators have passed the Medicare Patient Access to Hospice Act, giving PAs the authority to manage and provide hospice care beginning 2019.

Though the final rule has not yet been written, all indications point to PAs having the same kind of role in hospice as nurse practitioners (NPs). Giving PAs this greater role should open more access to hospice care and to alleviate some of the pressure on doctors who are continually being asked to do more with less.

The legislation will apply to PAs working with Medicare patients whose physicians have already certified they have six months or less to live. Those patients must have already agreed to receive palliative care, and they will be required to sign a statement …